We are proud to announce that Denny Ellison Analyst Training Program has been approved by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for inclusion in the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) in January 2018.
Our apprenticeship is dedicated to equity and credit research analysts in Investment Banking and Investment Management and will be delivered against the ‘Financial Services Professional’ standard Level 6.
Please click here to be taken to our provider profile on the government ‘Find apprenticeship training’ website.
Given the recently introduced apprenticeship levy to UK employers (April 2017) we believe that the landscape for early-career and graduate research analyst recruitment will change dramatically in the next few years.
The levy paid by employers at a rate of 0.5% of total PAYE for annual payroll bill of over £3m can be claimed back to fund apprenticeship training, making it attractive to employers to start recruiting apprentices.
We believe that an increasing proportion of research analysts will enter the market through apprenticeships in the next few years given the newly published apprenticeship standard for the financial industry. This will give them a solid skills foundation, valuable work experience and a Higher Education degree.
Our specialised and customised offering allows us to build close relationships with employers and apprentices, and cater to their specific training needs.
For more information on our apprenticeship program, please contact us at info@dennyellison.com.