We are pleased to announce that Denny Ellison’s analyst training program (ATP) continues to expand with two new major clients, including another bulge bracket investment bank.
Amongst our client base, we now count 3 investment banks that are ranked within the top 10 in the 2018 EMEA Extel research survey.
We are pleased to see that research managements continue to trust Denny Ellison to deliver ongoing training to their junior analysts, sometimes as part of their graduate on-boarding program.
We recently delivered modules on financial analysis, creating an investment thesis and writing research among others. We also delivered a newly created module on building a company model from scratch.
The ATP provides comprehensive training and mentoring services for research analysts that are early in their careers.
We believe that our training is differentiated because:
- It is very targeted, having been designed specifically for ‘early-career’ or ‘junior’ research analysts i.e. those with 0-5 years of experience
- It is extremely practical, with several best practice examples and templates given to participants
- It is delivered by trainers who are themselves highly experienced research analysts
The aim of the program is to accelerate analysts’ development and increase their productivity, so that they can start contributing to their firms more quickly.
The feedback from the analysts who have attended our training continues to be very strong. They particularly valued our modelling and investment thesis templates, real-life examples, practical exercises, learning from other sectors and hearing from the trainers’ experience.